Frank Spring

Frank Spring

The Old Optimist

The Old Optimist

Crafted on wood in a circular composition, The Old Optimist serves as a visionary self-portrait. Frank motivated by a realization he had never encountered a portrayal of an aged Angel, set out to capture the profound essence of growing older, marked by the wisdom gained through life’s trials. Frank sought to convey a universal message – that we are all chosen by a higher power throughout our existence, with aging signifying not weakness but a repository of wisdom, empathy, and nurturing capabilities.

In this poignant image, the Angel engages in what seems to be a conversation with flowers.  The diverse and expressive floral tableau mirrors the intricacies of Frank’s daily life. Having played a nurturing role for numerous individuals and organizations, each with its distinct mission, Frank generously shared his guidance, expertise, time, and resources. His earnest desire was for everyone to realize their inherent potential, to be seen authentically, and, above all, to be fully appreciated.

Frank’s artistic repertoire often embraced themes of gardens and florals, with gardens symbolizing the seasons of life and the reliable rejuvenation of spring. The symbolism extended beyond art, manifesting in Frank’s personal passion for floral gardening evident on his intimate Chelsea deck. Here, amidst the vibrant hues he nurtured, Frank found a reflection of hope, renewal, and the perpetual cycle of birth – a testament to his belief in the enduring beauty that arises from tending to life’s delicate and resilient blooms.

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